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Tyndall Culture Day 2021

25 Nov 2021

On Thursday, November 25th, Culture Day, Tyndall came together internally & celebrate our 50+ different nationalities and cultures spanning Tyndall. 

This year’s topic was Folklore and is one of the oldest and most fascinating media to preserve our history. Staff were asked to share a folk tale or superstition from their childhood or home, and express this piece of folklore in the form of a poem, a reading, a song, a dance, in pictures, video or any other way.  Culture day this year was in a hybrid format online and in person.  Furthermore there was a fun quiz held for idiomatic expressions, such as “The early bird catches the worm” or “You must take the small potato with the big potato”.  Watch the vdeo from the day here.

For more on this story contact:

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Unit

An tAonad Comhionnanais, Éagsúlachta agus Ionchuimsithe

South Lodge, College Road, University College, Cork, T12 RXA9
