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Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

Learning Outcomes

On successful completion of this programme, students should be able to:

  • Promote health and wellbeing through participation in occupation across the lifespan
  • Practise occupational therapy in accordance with the World Federation of Occupational Therapists Revised Minimum Standards for the Education of Occupational Therapists (2002) ensuring their practice is occupation-based, evidence-based, person-centred and culturally sensitive
  • Apply the occupational therapy process based on strong theory and evidence to individuals, groups and communities of all ages
  • Practise in adherence with legal, ethical and best practice guidelines
  • Establish and maintain therapeutic and professional relationships in a range of practice settings
  • Demonstrate professional reasoning skills and reflective practice in a broad range of practice settings
  • Value the context of professional practice, demonstrating a critical awareness of health and social policies and legislation
  • Demonstrate a commitment to continuing professional education and lifelong learning, for self and others
  • Engage in research to advance knowledge and practice development in Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy.

School of Clinical Therapies

Scoil na dTeiripí Cliniciúla

T12 EK59
