EDUCA Welcome Reception
EDUCA Welcome Reception Invitation
The Director of the Quality Promotion Unit, Ms Fiona Crozier, would like to cordially invite you to the following event:
The EDUCA delegation comprises 7 x participants, from universities in Kazakhstan, Tajikistan and Kyrgyzstan (see list below *). The EDUCA group’s visit will form part of the activity scheduled under the Tempus IV project - EDUCA ‘Modernisation and development of curricula on pedagogy and EDUcational management in the Central Asian countries’. This project is aimed at reforming and modernising the education system in the three participating Central Asian countries in line with the best practices of the European higher education area and will be led by Dr. Marian McCarthy, Co- Director Ionad Bairre (Teaching and Learning Centre), on behalf of QPU. Meeting with this group would be particularly beneficial to any current students, alumni or staff who may have links with the universities represented.
The group will be welcomed to U.C.C. by Dr. Bettie Higgs, Vice-president for Teaching and Learning (Interim) and Co-Director of Ionad Bairre, The Teaching and Learning Centre.