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What is OT and where can OTs work

What is OT (Occupational Therapy)

Occupational Therapy is a profession concerned with promoting people’s health and well-being through occupation. Occupation includes all the things that we need, want or have to do in our daily life, such as taking care of ourselves by eating, dressing and exercising; enjoying ourselves during our leisure activities; working towards our goals in school and college and contributing to society through paid and voluntary work or caring for others.  Occupational Therapy is a people profession. The main goal of Occupational Therapy is to enable people to participate in the activities of everyday life. Occupational Therapy is all about helping people live life to the fullest. People can be prevented from doing this for lots of reasons, including ill-heath, disability or other obstacles in their environment.


Where do OTs (Occupational Therapists) work 

Occupational Therapists work with people of all ages in a wide range of settings, including hospitals, assisted living facilities, health centres, care homes, rehab centres, schools, prisons and in the community in people’s homes and workplaces.


Career Opportunities

Three new Occupational Therapy programmes were launched in Ireland in 2003 to make up the short-fall of therapists in Ireland in existing services where waiting lists are often very long. Many other services would also employ an occupational therapist if they were available. There is also a shortage of male occupational therapists. The opportunities are many and varied. One of the features of the UCC programme is developing the ability to promote the profession and to be able to talk about what you can offer.

Continuing professional development [CPD] is essential and a requirement in many countries. At UCC we have a vibrant CPD programme of seminars and workshops. We offer an MSc in Advanced Healthcare Practice and a suite of lower awards at post-graduate certificate and post-graduate diploma levels. Opportunities for those with a Master’s degree to study a Professional Doctorate or a PhD are available


Occupational Science and Occupational Therapy

Eolaíocht Cheirde agus Teiripe Shaothair

Ground Floor, Brookfield Health Sciences Complex, College Road, Cork, Ireland.
