Original url at: http://secretary.ucc.ie/statutes/HTML/Statute151.html

Statute CLI. (151)

Irish Universities Act, 1908

University College, Cork

We, the Governing Body of University College, Cork, under and by virtue of the powers in that behalf conferred on us by the said Act, Do by this present instrument under the Seal of University College, Cork, make the Statute contained in the Schedule hereof for the general government of the said College.

Given under the Common Seal of University College, Cork, this twenty-fourth day of October, 1989.

Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork, was affixed:

M. P. MORTELL, President.
M. F. MULCAHY, Governor.
M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.

Statute CLI. (151)


Statutes I. to CL. (1 to 150), of University College, Cork shall, be read and construed with the additions, modifications and amendments hereinafter set forth.


  1. There shall be established in the College two Offices of Vice-President.
  2. Each Vice-President shall be appointed by the Governing Body on the nomination of the President and shall be removable from Office by the Governing Body.
  3. Each Office of Vice-President shall be a part-time non-pensionable Office tenable only by a Professor of the College. The term of office shall be for a period of three years and, ordinarily, an out-going Vice-President shall not be eligible for immediate re-appointment.
  4. The stipend of each Vice-President shall be IR£3,557.
  5. The duties of each Vice-President shall be determined by the Governing Body on the recommendation of the President. A Vice-President shall, when required, attend meetings of the Governing Body.
  6. An appointment as Vice-President shall come into effect from a date not earlier than 1 September, 1989, and with effect from said date, Statute CX. (110), Chapter I., Statute CXIII. (113). Chapter I. and, Statute CXLI. (141), Chapter Ill. are hereby deleted.


  1. This Statute shall be construed with and as part of Statutes I. to CL. (1 to 150) of University College, Cork and may be cited as Statute CLI. (151) of University College, Cork or Stat. CLI. (151) of Univ. Coll. Cork.
  2. This Statute shall come into operation on the twenty-fourth day of October 1989.

Present when the Common Seal of University College, Cork, was affixed.

M. P. MORTELL, President.
M. F. MULCAHY, Governor.
M. F. KELLEHER, Secretary.