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UCC Futures Sustainability - The ERI welcomes a new Lecturer in Sustainable Materials

Dr Brendan Bulfin (ERI, School of Chemistry)

We are delighted to welcome Dr Brendan Bulfin, Lecturer in Sustainable Materials who has joined UCC as part of the UCC Futures - Sustainability programme.

Dr Bulfin’s expertise can be broadly grouped into two main disciplines; 1) materials science focused on redox active oxides, 2) chemical reaction and process engineering in the area of energy conversion and storage technologies. He is particularly interested in the development and intensification of chemical processes for the conversion of renewable energies and feedstocks to higher value chemicals, such as fuels and fertilizers.

“I am very interested to apply my chemical processes knowledge to the fields of bioenergy and biofuels, which have been identified by the SEAI as promising pathways particularly suited Ireland. In particular, I have begun to work some unique chemical process routes for the upgrading of biogas to more valuable fuels such as hydrogen or liquid hydrocarbons. I am also interested processes of upgrading in the use of third generation biofuel crops, such as seaweed, a potentially vast source of energy and fixed carbon.”

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