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Ireland’s Fossil Heritage - Free STEM workshops for primary schools

What is Ireland’s Fossil Heritage?

Ireland’s Fossil Heritage is a science engagement project funded by Science Foundation Ireland (SFI). We are based at the School of Biological, Earth and Environmental Sciences at University College Cork (UCC). The project aims to increase awareness of, and interest in, Irish fossils by offering a diverse range of free resources to the public, including school workshops, a travelling exhibit, science and art collaborations and lots of interactive web content for all ages and backgrounds.

Why should we care about Irish fossils?

Ireland’s natural landscape is made up of diverse and unique rocks which contain clues about the ancient Earth. We can connect to this mysterious past by discovering and exploring the rocks beneath our feet. Hidden within some of these rocks are the remains of plants and animals that lived in Ireland millions of years ago. These fossils can teach us about exciting prehistoric worlds.

School Workshops

Ireland’s Fossil Heritage is offering free STEM workshops for primary schools. The fossil workshops are directly linked to a variety of STEM subjects such as science and mathematics and link to important topics on the STEM curriculum such as climate change, biodiversity, animal behaviour, evolution, pollution, and even human physiology.

Each workshop comprises 3 – 5 lessons (45 min each) with 2 - 3 activities per lesson. Lessons can be delivered individually or as a complete series.


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Facebook - Ireland’s Fossil Heritage