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Conference Programme

This conference will take place on Saturday November 23rd at the Western Gateway Building, Western Road, Cork, and is sponsored by the Environmental Protection Agency.  It will comprise 20 oral presentations in five themed sessions and a poster presentation sponsored by Atkins and the Marine Institute.

The DRAFT programme for this even is now available.

Please click for a printable version: Provisional Programme (Printable)

6th Irish Ornithological Research Conference, 23rd November

Provisional Programme

Welcome address (John O’Halloran)

Keynote address: Potential consequences of fishery reforms for seabird communities (Stephen Votier)


Session 1: Seabird ecology (Chair: John Quinn)

Individual behavioural interactions explain colony specific habitat use in Gannets (Thomas W Bodey)

Effect of vessel type and activity on Gannet foraging behaviour in Irish waters (Mark Jessopp)


Tea/Coffee and poster session


Session 2: The ecology and biology of raptors (Chair: Mark Wilson)

Breeding Peregrine Falcons of Co. Wicklow (Brian Burke)

Hen Harrier nesting behaviour: data from nest cameras (Darío Fernández-Bellon)

The recovery of the Common Buzzard in Ireland (Eimear Rooney)

Identifying the main factors which directly impact on and cause mortality of Barn Owls in Ireland (John Lusby)

The feeding ecology of Kestrels in Ireland and a review of current best practice dietary analysis methods (David Tosh)


Lunch (provided at venue)


Session 3: Human impacts on birds (Chair: Alex Copland)

Differential impacts of afforestation on bird diversity are dependent on previous land use (John O’Halloran)

Status and ecology of Ring Ouzels in southwest Ireland (Allan Mee)

Do wind turbines disturb non-breeding waders? (Richard Nairn)

The changing pattern of bird strikes at an Irish airport – causes and consequences (Tom Kelly)

The recovery of the wild Grey Partridge in Ireland (Kieran Buckley)


Tea/Coffee and poster session


Session 4: Bird distribution and monitoring (Chair: Pat Smiddy)

Bird Atlas 2007-11 – Some key findings (Brian Caffrey)

Bird monitoring in Ireland: 40 years on and what have we learned? (Olivia Crowe)

The NPWS Low Tide Waterbird Survey Programme 2009/10 – 2011/12 (Lesley J. Lewis)

Testing the effects of AES options on farmland seed-eating bird populations in Northern Ireland (Kendrew Colhoun)


Session 5: The ecology of geese (Chair: Thomas C. Kelly)

Cohort-specific reproductive success in an Arctic-nesting goose population (Mitch D. Weegman)

Breeding season weather modifies the strength of winter driven carry over effects in Light-bellied Brent Geese (Stuart Bearhop)

Facebook for geese: What are the causes and consequences of differences in social position in a fission-fusion social system? (Matthew Silk)


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Cork Ornithological Research Conference 2013

School of Biological, Earth & Environmental Sciences,University College Cork, Distillery Fields, North Mall, Cork, Ireland
