Corpus of Electronic Texts Edition
The Annals of Ulster (Author: [unknown])

Year U1212


Kalends of Jan. on 1st feria, 24th of the moon, A.D. 1212.


Sitriuc Ua Laighenain, successor of St. Comgall of Bangor, died and Oengus Mac Cormaic was instituted in his stead.


The castle of Cluain-Eois was built by the Foreigners (and by the Foreign bishop) and a foray-hosting was made by them into Tir-Eogain (And the Fir-Manach inflicted great slaughter upon them there.)


Aedh Ua Neill, king of Cenel-Conaill and of Cenel-Eogain and of the Airghialla overtook them and defeat was inflicted upon the Foreigners, wherein were killed a countless number of them.


Thomas, son of Uchtrach with the sons of Raghnall, son of Somarle, came to Daire of St. Colum-cille with six and seventy ships and the town was greatly destroyed by them and Inis-Eogain was completely destroyed by them and by the Cenel-Conaill.



(A hosting by the Connachtmen, through summons of the Foreign bishop and of Gillibert Mac Coisdealbh, to Eas-ruadh, so that the castle of Narrow-Water was made by them.)