UCC engineering student bags an Oscar

Richard Sadler, CEO and Executive Director of Lloyd's Register Group Ltd, presents the SET award for Best Maritime Technology Student to UCC student Maggie Creed

Richard Sadler, CEO and Executive Director of Lloyd's Register Group Ltd, presents the SET award for Best Maritime Technology Student to UCC student Maggie Creed

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If you ever thought engineering lacked glamour, think again!


Stylish Kensington Town Hall in London was the venue on 26 September last for the presentation of the European Science Engineering and Technology (SET) awards. The SET Awards are Europe’s most prestigious awards for science, engineering and technology undergraduates, and are sponsored by many leading companies including Lloyd’s Register Education Trust, Shell, BP, Laing O’Rourke, and ARM.

UCC student Maggie Creed was the proud recipient of the SET award for the Best Maritime Technology Student.  A PhD candidate in environmental fluid mechanics in the Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering at UCC, Maggie won the award on the basis of her undergraduate project entitled: “Modelling sediment laden river flow.”

The Oscars-style ceremony gathered together some of Europe’s top engineers and captains of industry, borrowing many of the Hollywood conventions such as red carpet, upstyles and  the famed golden envelope containing the name of the award winner in each category.

“I couldn't believe it when my name was called out,” said Maggie. “I hadn’t even expected to be shortlisted so it came as a complete shock to win the award on the night.” In accepting the award, Maggie thanked her supervisor, Prof. Alistair Borthwick, for his encouragement, and her father, Dr. Michael Creed, for his support.

Prof. Borthwick described Maggie as a stellar student who had brought honour to UCC. “This award vindicates the quality of our Engineering graduates as they face competition from some of the top engineers in Europe. There were 500 entrants for the awards and only two students from Ireland were short-listed – Maggie and TCD student, Sive Finlay; both won awards.”

Maggie holds simultaneously a First Class BE degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering from UCC and an MSc in Geotechnical Engineering for ENTPE Lyon, one of UCC’s institutional partners in the context of the ERASMUS programme.

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